Saturday, December 12, 2009


Yea!! It's almost christmas! (duh) My older brother Josh, the one in college is coming home on the 19!! I also will be able to see his incredibly nice girlfriend, Jelly!! :)

I am so excited to kick back and relax with: no homework, no class, and no homework!! :) I don't know what I'll be doing though.

I was talking to my much older cousin, Blake, the other day and conversation was about what he wanted for Christmas. He responded, happiness in a box Santa (I was pretending to be Santa.) I am so excited to be done with school on the 18!!

I wish that i could be able to open a present early this year but now that I'm older I can't.

I remember that last year, Melanie's friend Christie gave me a barbie doll but I am to old to play with it now but I loved it.

Have a nice Christmas!! :)