Now listen gang!I've been thinking that i want my own webshow. Vote on post a comment and tell me if you want me to have my own webshow or not.
Maranda does not want me to have a webshow because she says it's dangerous. That makes me want it less.I really am between don't have a webshow and have a webshow.I am lerning about how to make a webshow on It's really cool how that it really is a website.
Jake is being very annoying right now. Josh is not packed for college.I am bored. Melanie is bored also.I think also is the bestest word ever.
I am very excited because at the private school I'm going to I am going to take judo there after school there also.I've always wanted to take martail arts so thats why my mom signed me up.
Oh yeah! I am very excited for school itself. Nobody else is excited though. I want to eat some food but there is nothing to eat right now.
My cousin Raven is going to be here soon.I am excited.I am feeling a little bit dizzy right now. Oh never mind it's gone now.
Raven is here now so I'm going to go now.Bye!Scary!Got to run off now!